Monday, May 5, 2008

It's the little things

I recommended this book to one of the students in my pre-AP class when she asked which book I thought she should read.

I'll admit--I was somewhat hesitant to suggest it. It's (sadly) way above grade level from what most of my students read, and furthermore, I love it dearly. And as every good reader knows, recommending a book you love is like offering a piece of your heart. The rejection can be crushing.

I've been cautious about asking how she likes it, to ward off the potentially devastating blow. Today, though, they had their book reports due. Moment of truth.

She turned to me during 7th period. "Ms. Merrill," she said. "That was the best book I've ever read in my life."

She read it, she loved it. Maybe she'll remember that I recommended it to her (though it doesn't matter all too much if she does). Maybe it will influence some part of how she thinks about the world. Maybe she'll tell others to read it, and it will stay with them, too. Maybe I'm just overanalyzing things once again--but maybe that's okay.

It's not much. It's not even teaching, really--just sharing. But it's something.


Lucas said...

Teaching is sharing.

And sharing teaching.

You are a teacher/sharer.

That is a good thing to be, I imagine.

Lee said...

One of my favorite books, too.

And what a great teaching moment. Those are the ones we live for.