Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ready, Aim....Hire!

That's right, my friends, I am on the job hunt. After careful review, I've decided that I: a) need employment to finance all of the concerts I want to attend, and b) am bored out of my mind.

Admittedly, there are several factors working against me in this endeavor. Number one being, of course, the economy. Potentially more devastating, however, is my methodology when it comes to job applications. I somehow think that perusing Craigslist automatically qualifies me for hire. While viewing all my potential employers, I get so overwhelmed with all the jobs I could have that I mentally shut down and forget to...umm...apply. Hey, it's tough work juggling so many imaginary jobs.

In other news. I'm a little sick of being Africa Girl. I'm proud of what I did there, but for the love of Mike, people, I didn't go to Mars.

That being said, if my overseas experience at all gives me an edge over fellow job hunters, you better believe I'm showing up at interviews looking like this.


Alex said...

Whoa, you went to Africa?!

I just scratched the surface of looking at jobs and grad school, only to discover that it is one of the easiest ways to be defeated. I tried to find an overseas music teaching position, but I don't even know where to start. Yikes. Hope your search goes well.

J. Cus said...

You just seriously need to send in something of yours to get published, and then inevitably charge people money to enjoy your wit.

Ready, Aim... Famous!