Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Musings for the Void.

In terms of life changes, the year 2008 is going to be pretty hard to beat.

I survived student teaching, and subsequently, I graduated college.

I watched my best friend and sister become a wife.

I said goodbye to my family and friends and moved to Africa.

That last part bears repeating: I moved. to Africa.

Consequently, I have somewhat figured out how to live in Africa (no--I have learned to live in Kigali, Rwanda. I certainly don’t need to further the conceptualization of Africa as a massive, dark shape; I say “I moved to Africa” only to heighten the dramatic effect).

I began teaching. I am now known to 28 high schoolers as "Miss." I’ve conditioned myself to falling asleep before ten and waking up at ungodly hours of the morning, when most rational human beings have at least another two hours left.

I co-purchased a vehicle, and, by God’s good grace, I will soon drive a stick shift.

I’ve learned how to live without paper towels, microwaves, and season 5 of The Office.

I’ve made new friends from all over Africa, the United States, and world.


So why am I still wondering if things will ever change?